Barry-Wehmiller & Design Group Support Local Foster Children

Christmas 2024

Christmas Blessings for foster & adopt families

Employees of Barry-Wehmiller & Design Group are stepping forward to bless families that are actively caring for children in our St. Louis community foster care system. One Heart Families Ministries cares for children in the Missouri foster care system by equipping and supporting families impacted by foster care. In 2024, 301 children from 105 families have registered for our Christmas Blessings program.  Please send questions to

Two ways to support local foster children:

1) Take a heart ornament from the giving tree in either the 8020 lobby or 8027 Ste.800 Atrium, purchase the gift card.
Return the ornament with gift card to the front desk admin assistant by December 2nd, 2024

2) Use the form below to make a financial donation to One Heart for the Christmas Blessings program. 

$30 donation purchases a gift for a foster child

$120 donation purchases a gift for family of 4

$100 donation purchases a Family Zoo Membership (12 requests for 2024)

Thank you to the Community Enrichment Team & St. Louis Barry-Wehmiller employees for blessing families